People of the Industry – Jetcraft The Original Cloud-Based Network Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:57:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 People of the Industry – Jetcraft 32 32 Q&A with Massimo Burotti Wed, 22 Nov 2023 12:27:09 +0000

Massimo Burotti, Sales Director, Central Europe, Jetcraft
Location: London, UK

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

Essentially, my primary responsibility is representing Jetcraft towards our clients and our client towards Jetcraft to meet their aviation needs.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day in the role of a sales director, is essentially prospecting clients, speaking with principles and family offices and working with banks. The aim is always to always find solutions for their aviation needs.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

One of the primary reasons I decided to join Jetcraft is because the culture of the company is aligned with my personal values. We are professional, honest, trustworthy, and transparent. This is the basis of a transaction that I really believe in doing.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is working with so many different cultures and the ability to help our clients by finding solutions that are best fitted to them.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

To identify one person is practically impossible, but it’s taking a little bit of everybody that I’ve came to work with and worked for, to be able to do what I do today so professionally.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

How would I describe myself in three words? Well three words is kind of short, but I’ll do my best: professional, honest and trustworthy.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

I like Europe, I live in Europe, I stay in Europe. Essentially a mid-size for me would be a perfect aircraft.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

What stands out to me as being good customer service is communication and honesty. Simple. The most beautiful thing about buying an aircraft and the experience that the client should get, is a feeling of joy. My role is to remove all the stress and hardships so that when the when the aircraft is delivered to them, or is sold, they can enjoy the moment and feeling of joy.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

Well, I would say when I’m not working or spending time with my family, my secret talent is gardening or cooking.

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Q&A with Mick Doohan Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:19:08 +0000

Mick Doohan, President, Jetcraft Australia and New Zealand
Location: Gold Coast, Australia

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

My role within the team is based in Europe and Australia. I’ve been travelling around the world for the past 30 years and have gained a lot of contacts throughout, so wherever I can spread the Jetcraft wings, I’ll add value.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

I never switch off, I’m 24/7. Whether that’s dealing with staff, clients, sales or within the Jetcraft team. For me, there’s not really one specific role or one specific day that is the same as another because I don’t know what the days going to bring. I just enjoy what I do and focus on getting the best outcome for the global team.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The culture is first class and that’s why I was drawn to the company. The leadership team are honored, they understand every facet of the business and what the clients’ needs are. I think that’s what makes Jetcraft different. It’s not about us, It’s about what’s best for the client. That’s what I like about the culture.

What do you love most about your job?

Aviation, that’s what brought me in this direction. I’m a bit of an aircraft nerd, I guess. I’m a pilot of both helicopters and planes, so for me it’s sort of a passion that has turned into a lot of business.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

If I had to describe myself in three words it would be: passionate, approachable, and committed.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

I’ve had a variety of different aircraft type, the last aircraft was a small jet I had here in Europe, but I’ve had long range aircraft as well. For the moment, I travel a fair amount, so I’d probably go for an ultra-long range. Something like a Global 6000 and perhaps a smaller jet like a CJ2 or similar. The best aircraft I’ve owned has been the challenger series because it really fits the bill for everything. I had the challenger 604 for many years.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

Just confidence and being heard, that really what it’s all about. We give you what you want, and we will listen to your needs, and we hope to have you as a customer for life. That’s how we are not here for just one transaction, we are here for a lifetime of ownership.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

I had a history with sport many years ago, where I won five MotoGP world championships.

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Q&A with Richard Libby Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:49:01 +0000 Richard Libby, VP Sales, Jetcraft Commercial
Location: Toronto, Canada

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

My responsibilities within Jetcraft commercial are the acquisition and sale of commercial aircraft, primarily within the Americas. We are a small team and we’ve got relationships across the world, so this tends to go beyond the strict lines of the boarder, but that is my primary responsibility.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day or week in my role is mainly managing transactions that we have going on. Making sure that any problems that come up, get resolved and between all that, prospecting for new deals and following up with existing relationships.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company culture at Jetcraft to me is very collaborative, very supportive and coming from my background in very large corporations, it’s a much more relaxing and collaborative environment to work in.

What do you love most about your job?

The thing I love most about my job is that it’s a truly global industry and you’re constantly dealing with people all over the world. In fact, its extremely rare that I actually deal with anybody that is close to me geographically, so that to me is the most fascinating thing.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

In terms of my professional influences over my career, I don’t think I can narrow it down to any specific individual. I would say that there are a number of individuals that I have worked with over the years, that have had an influence on how I’ve developed professionally. I’ve taken the best from each of them and tried to make it my own.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

In a few words, I think the way I’d describe myself is quite competitive, collaborative and transparent.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

In terms of good customer service, I think the most important thing is having people actually respond. When we’re talking customer service, I think if you’re engaging with somebody, in any transaction, just the fact that you’re present and responding in a timely manner is the most important thing. When customers are dealing with Jetcraft Commercial and primarily when they are dealing with me, what I want them to experience is very professionally run transactions. Any difficulties are dealt with effectively and quickly so that the transaction goes smoothly and without any drama.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

I don’t think I have any particular secret hobbies or talents but I am a very enthusiastic golfer and downhill skier and I’m pretty good at those so that would probably be it.

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Q&A with Todd Spangler Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:01:28 +0000 Todd Spangler, Sales Director, Americas, Jetcraft
Location: Georgia, US.

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

I cover the Southeast US, so I’m responsible for bringing in new clients, listings, acquisitions elements and new inventory to our fleet.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day for a sales director is a lot of networking and a lot of travel. Certainly, working through the number of leads generated from our available inventory and the global reach that we have at Jetcraft. The activity that we generate is great. It’s also great to go out and really work in our own areas and be responsible for that and be able to create business for the organisation.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company culture at Jetcraft, it’s fantastic. I mean we really do have such a great team of people that cross borders and really work together. It just provides that value for our clients as well, they can be assured that they have a global team that’s working for them.

What do you love most about your job?

What I really love most is the team that we have and the continuity that we have. We’re such a big organization with many offices around the world. The company really treats us as though we are family and connected and it just creates such a great atmosphere and culture.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

A great guy that was a mentor of mine was Jim Christenson. Many years ago I worked with him and he’s no longer with us.  He always treated everyone that he came in touch with, with respect. I’ve tried to instill that in my professional career as well.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

I would describe myself in three words as ‘bald is beautiful’ or ‘always be selling’ how about that. In the sense that as a person you are always selling yourself. Whether that’s just being respectful of others, for a customer or any everyday relationship that you have.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

For our customers I really want them to experience the value that they are getting from us and whether buying or selling, they leave feeling they received a great experience and want to continue working with us again in the future.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My kids will say that I make a great trumpet noise, I will say, I can do a rubik’s cube in under a couple of minutes.

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Q&A with Jennifer Jewett Wed, 26 Jul 2023 02:05:52 +0000 Jennifer Jewett, Controller, Jetcraft
Location: Raleigh, NC, US

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

As the controller for Jetcraft Corporation I am responsible for the worldwide financials, reporting, cash management and things of that nature.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

My typical day starts with getting a feel for my emails and what’s happened throughout the evenings in the world. I also look to see what deals we have planned for the week and then in general just check in with my team to see what their needs are to complete any activities for the day.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

For me the company culture means Family. I came from a larger corporation before I moved to Jetcraft and I feel like I’m part of a family when I’m here. I have a lot of colleagues around the world. We know their kids names, we know their spouses names and being able to come together once a year really brings that family atmosphere together.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is that I’m able to be with a wide variety of people. With our worldwide presence we can spend a lot of time with our colleagues across the world either by phone or zoom meetings and we have daily interactions with them.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

My greatest influences were my mother and my grandmother, they were nurses. They spent a lot of time working and one of the things that they showed me is that they had a passion for their job, and it was important to work hard.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

I would describe myself as dependable, stubborn but loveable.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

What stands out to me as good customer service is thinking about their needs and listening to what our customers have to say. I want our customers to experience the fact that we are focused on them as the customer and their needs and that’s an important aspect of what we do on our day-to-day jobs.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My secret talent is that I know how to shag dance, which is dancing to beach music. I was once a competitive dancer when I was in high school.

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Q&A with Michael McCafferty Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:04:54 +0000 Michael McCafferty, Sales Director, Northeast U.S., Jetcraft
Location: Connecticut, US

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

I tend to get up and see what my counterparts in Hong Kong and Australia have cooking for the day. Often, information that you had requested the night before, will get responses early in the morning, due to time difference.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company culture a Jetcraft really is just one gigantic team. There isn’t anybody that you can’t call on throughout a deal that’s not going to drop what they are doing to give you a hand. That teamwork is really important. Jahid has made a point of bringing us all together several times a year, so you really get to know your colleagues and their families which only adds to the family atmosphere.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is the people that I interact with from both my team and the client side of things. People that buy private jets are interesting people by in large, so I love the client interaction. And the team at Jetcraft is really second to none.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

My father was a big influence on my life. He did not work in this profession, but he carried himself with the upmost integrity. I try to carry that into my day-to-day work.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

I think reliable, honest, and genuine.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

If I were to buy my own business jet, it would probably be a G650 because it can do anything on the globe comfortably with speed and it’s got an incredibly reliable track record.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

I would like our customers to experience the same thing I do with my colleagues, which is being part of a family.Getting honest answers to their questions, reliable data, and information that they can trust. I would say that good customer service is being responsive and even anticipating the needs of your clients. Not just being reactive but anticipate what your client might be feeling and alter the deal to suit them.


Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My hobbies are not really hidden. I still do a fair amount of running. I start my days with a run. I just finished my 17th running of my birthday mile, where I punish myself on the track every January 6th just to prove that I’m beating back father time. So, I would say that running is kind of my secret hobby.

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Q&A With Danie Joubert Thu, 11 May 2023 11:48:51 +0000 Danie Joubert, Sales Director, Africa, Jetcraft
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

My main responsibilities are the Africa market. I travel around Africa to all the different locations to handle aircraft sales transactions and look for inbound aircraft for us to market internationally.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day working from my home office starts by checking any leads that came through overnight. I’ll respond to those, then follow up with any previous leads or active transactions that require my attention throughout the day. To keep the momentum going, I then reflect on the rest of my pipeline.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

I think the company culture in Jetcraft is a very positive culture. It’s a collaborative culture. It’s led by quality people and that creates a platform for good performance for everybody.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about this job is that it’s very mentally stimulating. No transaction is the same, every deal has its own unique characteristics. Sometimes with some challenges and you have to find solutions.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

I wouldn’t say that a single individual or a particular event has had the greatest impact on my professional career. It’s a collection of events over your lifetime. A collection of exposures and I think that eventually, these form you in terms of how you interact and how you do your work.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Loyal, hardworking, and sincere.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

The aircraft I most enjoyed was the Learjet 31A. It’s a relatively small aircraft but fast. I’ve flown it many times into Africa and it’s a fun aircraft. So, if I had to buy my own aircraft it would be a Learjet 31A, even though they’re no longer in production.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

I’d like our customers to understand that Jetcraft is a company of substance and integrity. As long as customers can have that experience, I think that’s good.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My hidden hobby is fishing.

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Q&A with Sari Sawaya Tue, 25 Apr 2023 09:45:59 +0000 Sari Sawaya, Sales Director, Middle East & Sub-Continental India, Jetcraft
Location: Dubai, UAE

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

My responsibilities at Jetcraft are to take care of all sales activities in the Middle East. This includes everything from managing client relationships to finding new clients or handling a pre-buy.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

My day begins early in the morning with handling new leads that come in. On days when I have meetings scheduled, I usually go to the office of my client. If it’s in Dubai, it’s great because everyone comes through Dubai. If not in Dubai, I will go wherever they are.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company culture at Jetcraft to me is like a big family.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is the thrill of the deal. Every deal is different and it’s just a natural high that you get by making sure that my customer is happy and getting the job done.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

For me, it was my late father, mainly because of what he went through in the early seventies in coming to Dubai and creating the life that he did. The best advice he gave me was protect your name at all costs. That’s what sticks with you in future. So, I protect my name. I protect Jetcraft’s name, and they go hand in hand.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

I’d have to say; competitive, adaptive, and fun.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

I’d buy a Gulfstream 650 because it’s a great aircraft. If I were to operate out of Dubai, I could hit most of the regions that I want, and the cabin is unmatched.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique

To me, good customer service is being honest with your client and always available to them.  When they pick up the phone to call you, you are available. When dealing with Jetcraft, I want customers to feel that we are looking after their best interests and that we are the most qualified brokers/ dealers on the market. We know what we are doing and what we are talking about. I want them to feel comfortable dealing with us and allowing us to handle the sale or purchase of their aircraft without any hassle.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My secret hobby is I love to grill, and I do a mean brisket and a tomahawk.


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Q&A with Ganesh Vedarattiname Tue, 14 Mar 2023 13:53:58 +0000 Ganesh Vedarattiname, Director – Strategy & Analytics, Jetcraft
Location: London,UK

How does Jetcraft use data analytics to support clients?

Data analytics supports our clients and every aspect of our transactions, from finding the right aircraft to getting the right value for it. We rely on a wide range of data from the market and aircraft customer information that we draw from industry sources and our own sales network. In the current market, it’s quite difficult to find an aircraft because of the high demand. So, we’ve built this proprietary software that scans the market daily showing all publicly available planes and off-market aircraft so that our sales team can show clients planes that other brokers just cannot see.

How does data analytics support the sales team?

The sales team needs to perform analytics on a daily basis, from building market reports to aircraft valuations. So, we’ve built this software that pulls all the data available and structures it into concise and powerful insights so that our sales team is always able to help our clients in the best way possible and move the deal forward.

Data analytics and Jetcraft’s position in the market

In recent years, we’ve seen a great influx of new customers and new capital in business aviation. The industry is going to get more and more sophisticated meaning that brokers will need to get smarter and more analytical in their approach to how they do things and that’s exactly what our data analytics division is about. We rely on our global sales network who are on the ground every day to give us market information, and that enables us to have an edge on the market and stay on top of things.

Jetcraft’s Marketing Forecast methodology

Every year we release market forecasts that predicts what’s going to happen in the pre-owned market over the coming years. This relies on a fine blend of econometric modelling and market information from our sales team across the globe. This gives us the best information possible to quite accurately predict transaction volume, value on the pre-owned market. In addition to transaction forecasts we always have a trends section to tackle what we believe are interesting dynamics in the market. So, it goes from the impact of the pandemic to changes in consumer behavior to give our readers a much more comprehensive understanding of the market.

Current industry data – aircraft values and inventory

It’s no secret that recent years have been good for the industry. A lot of demand coming in and pushing prices a bit higher but if you put this price increase in perspective to what happened in 2007/2008 bubble, the market is way more reasonable now. Buyers and sellers are more educated, which is a good thing because it will trigger a much more sustainable growth for the industry.

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